Certification for School Entry

Provider Type

  • Physicians
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Hospitals
  • Ancillary

California law requires that children entering first grade must provide their schools with a certificate documenting that they have had a preventive, well-child screening exam or a waiver of the exam signed by the parent or guardian. The exam may be done up to 18 months prior to, or within 90 days after, entrance into first grade. Providers must give the parent or guardian of a child entering kindergarten or first grade a certificate documenting that the child has received the health exam. A child may be certified without a preventive, well-child screening exam if the child has received a physical exam and ongoing comprehensive medical care from that physician during the 18-month period prior to, or within 90 days following, entrance into the first grade. Health Net and local schools urge parents to get their child's health assessment on entry into kindergarten. If a health assessment is refused by the parent or guardian, the parent or guardian must submit a waiver to the school.

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has formally adopted an exception to their recommendation for MMR vaccination, now allowing administration of the MMR to children up to four days prior to their first birthday. California state laws regarding school entry, however, preclude this exception for children in California. Children in California who receive the MMR immunization prior to their first birthday are required to be reimmunized prior to entrance into first grade. 

Refer to the samples of the Report of Examination for School Entry PM 171A in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF).