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Non-emergency transportation services are arranged through Modivcare™ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For HMO:
Urgent trip and hospital discharge requests | Advance notice is not required and transportation can be scheduled for same day of service. For hospital discharge, it may take a transportation provider 1 to 4 hours to pick up a member, depending on provider availability |
Hours of operation for urgent and same-day reservations | Transportation assistance for trip recovery and after-hours hospital discharges is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week |
Refer to the table below to arrange for transportation services through Modivcare. Modivcare uses language-line interpreter services for all interpretation needs during reservations.
Standard days and hours of customer service center operation for routine reservations. | Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific time. |
Weekend and holiday schedule | Closed Saturday and Sunday Closed on the following national holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4th), Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas |
Routine transportation requests | - Rideshare curb-to-curb in “real time”. (For avoidance of doubt, “real time” is defined as within 1 hour of member request.) - Non-rideshare curb-to-curb 24 hours in advance (sedan, taxi) - 48-hour notice for any mode of transportation higher than sedan (wheelchair [including ambulatory door-to-door], stretcher, non-emergent ambulance) |
Urgent trip and hospital discharge requests | Advance notice is not required and transportation can be scheduled for the same day of service for hospital discharges and urgent treatment types. For hospital discharge, it may take a transportation provider 1 to 4 hours to pick up a member, depending on provider availability |
Hours of operation for urgent and same-day reservations | Transportation assistance for trip recovery, urgent treatment types and after-hours hospital discharges is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week |
Hours of operation for ride assistance (Where's my Ride? line) and hospital discharges | Transportation assistance for trip recovery, urgent treatment types and after-hours hospital discharges is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week |
Toll-free telephone numbers | Submit a Physician Certification Statement (PCS) form to the Health Net Care Ride Unit to obtain authorization before contacting Modivcare for scheduling. Reservations and ride assistance (Where's My Ride? line) for Medi-Cal members: 855-253-6863 Ride assistance (Where's My Ride? line) for CalViva Health members: 855-253-6864 Ride assistance (Where's My Ride? line) for CHPIV members: 855-251-7097 Hearing impaired (TTY) line: 866-288-3133 For providers: Facility line: 866-529-2128 Facility fax: 877-601-0535 |
Website | Providers may use the Modivcare website to schedule only routine transports with an advance notice of 5 business days. Print an enrollment form from the Modivcare website to sign up for this HIPAA-compliant service and return it by fax to 877-601-0535. |