Street Medicine Services

Provider Type

  • Physicians 
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
    (does not apply to HSP)
  • Hospitals
  • Ancillary

Health Net covers street medicine for Medi-Cal members experiencing unsheltered homelessness. The street medicine benefit covers up to the full array of services necessary to meet immediate needs, including but not limited to, preventive services, and the treatment of acute and chronic conditions.

Member eligibility verification

Providers are responsible for verifying benefits and member eligibility each time a member is scheduled to receive services.

Check eligibility through either of the following:

Coordinating services

Street medicine providers are responsible for coordinating member care with the member’s primary care physician (PCP) and/or participating physician group (PPG) and initiating specialist referrals, including behavioral health, Community Supports and social services, when needed.

Claims billing

Claims are paid based on the eligibility of the individual, for appropriate and applicable services within their scope of practice. Providers may bill Place of Service (POS) codes to Fee-for-Service Medi-Cal or the Plan when rendering medical services for street medicine. For more information on billing for street medicine refer to the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) billing guidelines.