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General Benefit Exclusions and Limitations

Provider Type

  • Physicians
  • Hospitals
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Ancillary

Limitations to Health Net's coverage are described below. In addition, services or supplies that are excluded from coverage in the Evidence of Coverage (EOC), exceed limitations, are follow-up care to EOC exclusions, or which are related in any way to EOC exclusions or limitations, are not covered.

  • Blood - Services and supplies for the collection, preservation and storage of umbilical cord blood, cord blood stem cells and adult stem cells are not covered
  • Conception by medical procedure - The collection, storage or purchase of sperm or ova is not covered
  • Cosmetic services and supplies - Services and supplies performed solely to alter or reshape normal structures of the body in order to improve appearance are not covered. These include:
    • Hair transplant, hair analysis, hairpieces, wigs, and cranial or hair prostheses
    • Chemical face peels and abrasive procedures of the skin
    • Liposuction of any body part
    • Epilation
  • In contrast to the exclusion for cosmetic surgery, reconstructive surgery is covered when surgery is performed to correct or repair abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors, or disease to do either of the following:
  • To improve function
  • To create a normal appearance, to the extent possible
  • Coverage for reconstructive surgery also includes:
    • Breast surgery and all stages of reconstruction for the breast on which a medically necessary mastectomy was performed and to produce a symmetrical appearance, surgery and reconstruction of the unaffected breast
    • Medically necessary dental or orthodontic services that are an integral part of reconstructive surgery for cleft palate procedures. Cleft palate, including cleft lip or other craniofacial anomalies associated with cleft palate
  • Custodial or domiciliary care - Services and supplies that are provided primarily to assist with the activities of daily living are not covered, regardless of the type of facility. Hospice care for a terminally ill member or for a condition that requires continuous skilled nursing services is not considered custodial or domiciliary
  • Dental services - Care or treatment of teeth and gingival tissues, extraction of teeth; treatment of dental abscess or granuloma, other than tumors, dental examinations, spot grinding, crowns, bridge work, onlays, inlays, dental implants, braces, and any orthodontic appliances are not covered unless specifically provided in the member's EOC
  • Disorders of the jaw - Treatment and services for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder are covered when determined to be medically necessary, except:
    • Crowns
    • Inlays
    • Onlays
    • Dental implants
    • Bridgework (to treat dental conditions related to TMJ disorder)
    • Braces and active splints for orthodontic purposes (movement of teeth)
  • Disposable supplies - Disposable supplies for home use are not covered (for example, plastic gloves, diapers, incontinence pads, and wipes). Coverage for outpatient prescription medications includes coverage for disposable devices that are medically necessary for the administration of a covered outpatient prescription medication, such as spacers and inhalers for the administration of aerosol outpatient prescription medications, and syringes for self-injectable outpatient prescription medications that are not dispensed in pre-filled syringes
  • Experimental or investigative services and supplies - All services and supplies not generally recognized under standards of care in the medical community are not covered, except for routine patient care costs associated with participation in clinical trials for a Health Net member with a diagnosis of cancer and has the recommendation of their treating physician. The exclusion from coverage does not include treatment of medical complications relating to, or arising out of, such services and supplies. Health Net decides whether a service or supply is experimental or investigational
  • Eyeglasses and contact lenses - Contact lenses (except an implanted lens that replaces the organic eye lens) and eyeglasses are not covered, unless specifically provided in the member's EOC
  • Genetic testing and diagnostic procedures - Covered when determined by Health Net to be medically necessary. The prescribing physician must request prior authorization for coverage. Genetic testing is not covered for non-medical reasons or when a member has no medical indication or family history of a genetic abnormality. Every health care service plan contract that covers hospital, medical or surgical expenses through an employer group, and which offers maternity coverage in such groups, also offers coverage for prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders of the fetus by means of diagnostic procedures in cases of high-risk pregnancy
  • Hearing aids - Any device inserted in or affixed to the outer ear to improve hearing is not covered, unless specifically provided in the member's EOC
  • Ineligible status - Services or supplies provided before the effective date of coverage or after the date coverage has ended are not covered, except as specified in the extension of benefits portion of the member's EOC
  • No-charge items - Services or supplies the member is not required to pay for or for which no charge is made are not covered
  • Non-covered items - Durable medical equipment (DME) is a covered benefit on all health plans. Refer to the Schedule of Benefits to determine exclusions, limitations and applicable copayments. Non-covered items are:
  • Exercise or hygienic equipment, including shower chairs and benches, bath tub lifts, exercise bicycles, treadmills, free weights
  • Supplies to achieve cleanliness even when related to other medical services
  • Surgical dressings, except primary dressings that are applied directly to lesions either of the skin or surgical incision, which are covered as a standard medical benefit. Over-the-counter dressings and supplies are not covered
  • Jacuzzis and whirlpools
  • Stockings, such as elastic stockings, job stocking and support hose, garter belts and similar devices, as not within the definition of brace
  • Orthotics that are not custom-made to fit the member's body. Orthotics are orthopedic appliances or apparatus used to support, align, prevent, or correct deformities or to improve the function of moveable parts of the body. Coverage includes leg, arm, back, and neck braces and trusses. Back braces include special corsets and sacroiliac, sacrolumbar and dorsolumbar corsets and belts
  • Corrective footwear (specialized shoes, arch supports and inserts) except for the treatment of diabetes-related medical conditions or as specifically provided in the member's EOC
  • Non-eligible institutions - Services or supplies provided by any institution other than a licensed and approved hospital or Medicare-approved skilled nursing facility (SNF) or other properly licensed facility specified as covered in the member's EOC are not covered. Any institution that is primarily a place for the aged, a nursing home or any similar institution, regardless of how designated, is not an eligible institution
  • Non-prescription (over-the-counter) medications, equipment and supplies - Any medication, equipment and supplies that can be purchased without a prescription order is not covered, even if a physician writes a prescription for it (except insulin and diabetic supplies or as specifically provided in the EOC)
  • Personal or comfort items - Personal or comfort items such as a telephone or television in the room at a hospital or SNF are not covered
  • Private-duty nursing - Private-duty nurses are not covered for a registered bed patient in a hospital or long-term care facility
  • Private rooms - Private rooms in a hospital or SNF are not covered unless it is deemed to be medically necessary
  • Refractive eye surgery - Any eye surgery for the purpose of correcting refractive defects of the eye, such as near-sightedness (myopia), far-sightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism, is not covered
  • Reversal of surgical sterilization - Reversal of a prior voluntary surgical sterilization procedure is not covered
  • Routine physical examinations - Routine physical examinations are not covered for insurance, licensing, employment, school, camp, or other non-preventive purposes, unless specifically provided otherwise in the EOC. On plans that cover routine physical examinations, the exam itself and any related X-ray and laboratory procedures are covered; however, completion of any related forms are not covered. Refer to the specific plan in the Schedule of Benefits
  • Services for obtaining or maintaining insurance are not covered
  • Sterilization is not covered for males and females. Refer to the specific plan in the Schedule of Benefits or EOC for exceptions
  • Substance abuse - Treatment of chronic alcoholism, drug addiction and other substance abuse problems, except for acute detoxification and the acute medical treatment of these problems. Other services not covered include: non-medical ancillary services; prolonged rehabilitation services, including inpatient, residential and outpatient substance abuse program; psychological counseling and aversion therapy. The terms and conditions applied to these benefits must be the same as those applied to other medical benefits under the plan contract due to federal mental health parity laws. Refer to the specific plan in the Schedule of Benefits for exceptions
  • Unauthorized services and supplies - Any services or supplies not authorized according to procedures Health Net and the participating physician group (PPG) have established are not covered
  • Unlisted services - Services or supplies that are not specified as covered services or supplies are not covered, unless coverage is required by law

General Benefit Exclusions and Limitations (Physicians Only)

Limitations to Health Net's coverage are described below. In addition, services or supplies that are excluded from coverage in the Evidence of Coverage (EOC), exceed limitations, are follow-up care to EOC exclusions, or which are related in any way to EOC exclusions or limitations, are not covered.

  • Blood - Services and supplies for the collection, preservation and storage of umbilical cord blood, cord blood stem cells and adult stem cells are not covered
  • Conception by medical procedure - The collection, storage or purchase of sperm or ova is not covered
  • Cosmetic services and supplies - Services and supplies performed solely to alter or reshape normal structures of the body in order to improve appearance are not covered. These include:
    • Hair transplant, hair analysis, hairpieces, wigs, and cranial or hair prostheses
    • Chemical face peels and abrasive procedures of the skin
    • Liposuction of any body part
    • Epilation
  • In contrast to the exclusion for cosmetic surgery, reconstructive surgery is performed to correct or repair abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors, or disease to do either of the following:
    • To improve function
    • To create a normal appearance, to the extent possible
    • Coverage for reconstructive surgery also includes:
      • Breast surgery and all stages of reconstruction for the breast on which a medically necessary mastectomy was performed and to produce a symmetrical appearance, surgery and reconstruction of the unaffected breast
      • Medically necessary dental or orthodontic services that are an integral part of reconstructive surgery for cleft palate procedures. Cleft palate, including cleft lip or other craniofacial anomalies associated with cleft palate
    • Custodial or domiciliary care - Services and supplies that are provided primarily to assist with the activities of daily living are not covered, regardless of the type of facility. Care provided by a hospice for a terminally ill member or for a condition that requires continuous skilled nursing services is not considered custodial or domiciliary
  • Dental services - Care or treatment of teeth and gingival tissues, extraction of teeth; treatment of dental abscess or granuloma, other than tumors, dental examinations, spot grinding, crowns, bridge work, onlays, inlays, dental implants, braces, and any orthodontic appliances are not covered unless specifically provided in the member's EOC
  • Disorders of the jaw -Treatment and services for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder are covered when determined to be medically necessary, except:
    • Crowns
    • Inlays
    • Onlays
    • Dental implants
    • Bridgework (to treat dental conditions related to TMJ disorder)
    • Braces and active splints for orthodontic purposes (movement of teeth)
  • Disposable supplies - Disposable supplies for home use are not covered (for example, plastic gloves, diapers, incontinence pads, and wipes). Coverage for outpatient prescription medications includes coverage for disposable devices that are medically necessary for the administration of a covered outpatient prescription medication, such as spacers and inhalers for the administration of aerosol outpatient prescription medications, and syringes for self-injectable outpatient prescription medications that are not dispensed in pre-filled syringes
  • Experimental or investigative services and supplies - All services and supplies not generally recognized under standards of care in the medical community are not covered, except for routine patient care costs associated with participation in clinical trials for a Health Net member with a diagnosis of cancer who has the recommendation of their treating physician. The exclusion from coverage does not include treatment of medical complications relating to, or arising out of, such services and supplies. Health Net decides whether a service or supply is experimental or investigational
  • Eyeglasses and contact lenses - Contact lenses (except an implanted lens that replaces the organic eye lens) and eyeglasses are not covered, unless specifically provided in the member's EOC
  • Genetic testing and diagnostic procedures - Covered when determined by Health Net to be medically necessary. The prescribing physician must request prior authorization for coverage. Genetic testing is not covered for non-medical reasons or when a member has no medical indication or family history of a genetic abnormality. Every health care service plan contract that covers hospital, medical or surgical expenses through an employer group, and which offers maternity coverage to such groups, also offers coverage for prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders of the fetus by means of diagnostic procedures in cases of high-risk pregnancy
  • Hearing aids - Any device inserted in or affixed to the outer ear to improve hearing is not covered, unless specifically provided in the member's EOC
  • Ineligible status - Services or supplies provided before the effective date of coverage or after the date coverage has ended are not covered, except as specified in the extension of benefits portion of the member's EOC
  • No-charge items - Services or supplies the member is not required to pay for or for which no charge is made are not covered
  • Non-covered items - Durable medical equipment (DME) is a covered benefit on all health plans. Refer to the Schedule of Benefits to determine exclusions, limitations and applicable copayments. Non-covered items are:
    • Exercise or hygienic equipment, including shower chairs and benches, bath tub lifts, exercise bicycles, treadmills, and free weights
    • Supplies to achieve cleanliness even when related to other medical services
    • Surgical dressings, except primary dressings that are applied directly to lesions either of the skin or surgical incision, which are covered as a standard medical benefit. Over-the-counter dressings and supplies are not covered
    • Jacuzzis and whirlpools
    • Stockings, such as elastic stockings, job stocking and support hose, garter belts and similar devices, as not within the definition of brace
    • Orthotics that are not custom-made to fit the member's body. Orthotics are orthopedic appliance or apparatus used to support, align, prevent, or correct deformities or to improve the function of moveable parts of the body. Coverage includes leg, arm, back, and neck braces and trusses. Back braces include special corsets and sacroiliac, sacrolumbar and dorsolumbar corsets and belt
    • Corrective footwear (specialized shoes, arch supports and inserts) except for the treatment of diabetes-related medical conditions, or as specifically provided in the member's EOC
  • Non-eligible institutions - Services or supplies provided by any institution other than a licensed and approved hospital or Medicare-approved skilled nursing facility (SNF) or other properly licensed facility specified as covered in the member's EOC are not covered. Any institution that is primarily a place for the aged, a nursing home, or any similar institution, regardless of how designated, is not an eligible institution
  • Non-prescription (over-the-counter) medications, equipment and supplies - Any medications, equipment and supplies that can be purchased without a prescription order is not covered, even if a physician writes a prescription for it (except insulin and diabetic supplies or as specifically provided in the EOC)
  • Personal or comfort items - Personal or comfort items, such as a telephone or television in the room at a hospital or SNF, are not covered
  • Private-duty nursing - Private-duty nurses are not covered for a registered bed patient in a hospital or long-term care facility
  • Private rooms - Private rooms in a hospital or SNF are not covered unless it is deemed to be medically necessary
  • Refractive eye surgery - Any eye surgery for the purpose of correcting refractive defects of the eye, such as near-sightedness (myopia), far-sightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism is not covered
  • Reversal of surgical sterilization - Reversal of a prior voluntary surgical sterilization procedure is not covered
  • Routine physical examinations - Routine physical examinations are not covered for insurance, licensing, employment, school, camp, or other non-preventive purposes, unless specifically provided otherwise in the EOC. On plans that cover routine physical examinations, the exam itself and any related X-ray and laboratory procedures are covered; however, completion of any related forms are not covered. Refer to the specific plan in the Schedule of Benefits
  • Services for obtaining or maintaining insurance are not covered
  • Sterilization is not covered for males and females. Refer to the specific plan in the Schedule of Benefits or EOC for exceptions
  • Substance abuse - Treatment of chronic alcoholism, drug addiction and other substance abuse problems are not covered, except for acute detoxification and the acute medical treatment of these problems. Other services not covered include: non-medical ancillary services; prolonged rehabilitation services, including inpatient, residential and outpatient substance abuse program; psychological counseling and aversion therapy. The terms and conditions applied to these benefits must be the same as those applied to other medical benefits under the plan contract due to federal mental health parity laws. Refer to the specific plan in the Schedule of Benefits for exceptions
  • Unauthorized services and supplies - Any services or supplies not authorized according to procedures Health Net has established are not covered
  • Unlisted services - Services or supplies that are not specified as covered services or supplies are not covered, unless coverage is required by law
Last Updated: 02/03/2025