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Monitoring Provider Exclusions

Provider Type

  • Physicians
  • Hospitals
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Ancillary

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) both require contractors, their subcontractors and other delegated entities to monitor federal and state exclusion lists. The parties or entities on these lists are excluded from various activities, including rendering services to Medicare, Medicaid and any other federal health care program enrollees (unless in the case of an emergency, as stated in 42 CFR §1001.1901), and employing or contracting with excluded parties to provide services to these enrollees. Health Net requires that its participating physician groups (PPGs), hospitals, ancillary providers, and practitioners continuously monitor federal and state exclusion lists.

Monitoring for Excluded Parties

The names of parties that have been excluded from participation in federal health programs are published in the Office of the Inspector General U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (OIG-HHS) List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE), CMS Preclusion List, Medi-Cal Suspended and Ineligible Provider List (SIPL), Medi-Cal Restricted Provider Database (RPD), Office of Personnel Management (OPM) under the Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan (FEHBP), and on the General Services Administration's (GSA) Exclusions Extract Data Package (EEDP) (or Excluded Parties List System (EPLS), which was replaced by the EEDP), as referenced through the System for Award Management (SAM) website.

Providers on any of these lists, except for the RPD, will be terminated from all products, federal and non-federal. Providers on the RPD will only be terminated from the Medi-Cal line of business.

Health Net and Provider Responsibilities

Health Net is required to monitor federal and state exclusion lists to ensure that Health Net is not hiring, contracting or paying excluded parties or entities for services rendered to enrollees in Health Net plans. Health Net's contracted providers and their downstream subcontractors or delegated entities must check the LEIE, CMS Preclusion List, SIPL, FEHBP and EEDP federal exclusion lists prior to hiring or contracting with any new employee, temporary employee, volunteer, consultant, governing body member, subcontractor, or other delegated entity for Medicaid or Part C and Part D related activities. Health Net, its contracted providers, and their downstream subcontractors or delegated entities must continuously monitor these lists at least monthly to ensure parties or entities that were previously screened have not become excluded later.


The OIG-HHS imposes exclusions under the authority of sections 1128 and 1156 of the Social Security Act. A list of all exclusions and their statutory authority is available on the Exclusion Authority website.

The current LEIE is available on the OIG-HHS website. Refer to Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for additional information about the LEIE.

Providers on the OIG list will be terminated from all products, federal and non-federal.

CMS Preclusion List

The CMS Preclusion List is published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to identify precluded providers. It is updated monthly and available on the site, after logging on, under the regulatory section.

Providers on the CMS Preclusion List will be terminated from all products, federal and non-federal.


The SIPL is published by DHCS to identify suspended and otherwise ineligible providers. It is updated monthly and available on the DHCS Medi-Cal website > References > Suspended and Ineligible Provider List. Additional information about the list is located in the Medi-Cal Suspended and Ineligible Provider List introduction.

Providers on the SIPL will be terminated from all products, federal and non-federal.


The OPM, under the OIG-HHS, imposes suspension and debarment actions for entities contracted with the FEHBP. The current FEHBP suspended and debarred report is available at Registered providers can log into the provider portal to access the reports located under the regulatory section.

Providers on the FEHBP list will be terminated from all products, federal and non-federal. Additionally, a 12-month claims look-back review must occur for all identified participating and non-participating providers. Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan members identified through the claims review must receive notification that the provider is no longer available to receive services from.


The GSA's EEDP is a government-wide compilation of various federal agency exclusions, and replaces the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS). Exclusions contained in the EEDP are governed by each agency's regulatory or legal authority. The EEDP also includes parties and entities from other federal exclusion databases. All parties or entities listed on the EEDP are subject to exclusion from Medicare participation. The current EEDP is available on the SAM website.

Providers on the EEDP list will be terminated from all products, federal and non-federal.

Restricted Provider Database (RPD)

The RPD is published by DHCS to identify providers placed under a payment suspension while under investigation based upon a credible allegation of fraud (Title 42, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) section 455.23 and Welfare and Institution Code (WIC) section 14107.11. Search Part 455 of the CFR. Search the WIC. The sanction action is specific to the individual rendering provider's National Provider Identifier and/or Tax Identification Number as listed on the database file. Subcontractors and delegated entities may continue contractual relationships with providers on the RPD that are listed under a "payment suspension only"; however, reimbursements for Medi-Cal covered services must be withheld. Contracts must be terminated with providers on the RPD that are not listed under a "payment suspension only." Subcontractors and delegated entities choosing to terminate a provider's contract must notify Health Net per the language in the Provider Participation Agreement (PPA) and within the required advance notification turnaround times included in the Medi-Cal provider operations manual under Provider Oversight > Facility and Physician Additions, Changes and Deletions > Closure and Termination available in the Provider Library online. Providers under a payment suspension will be indicated as such under the "comment" column of the database file. The RPD data file is updated monthly and is available at Registered providers can log into the provider portal to access the report located under the regulatory section.

Claims Payment For Excluded Parties

Health Net, its PPGs, hospitals, and ancillary providers cannot pay participating and nonparticipating parties or entities included on these lists for any services using federal funds, except as documented in the CMS Internet Only Manual, publication 100-16, Chapter 6 - Relationships with Providers, which states, "The OIG has a limited exception that permits payment for emergency services provided by excluded providers under certain circumstances. See 42 CFR §1001.1901." FDRs contracting with Health Net must have a documented process in place to ensure compliance with these guidelines, and notify enrollees who obtain services from excluded parties and make claims payments as allowed under these exceptions. This documentation is subject to audit upon request from Health Net or CMS.

Regulatory Citations for Excluded Requirements

Medicare Advantage organizations (MAOs) and their FDRs must abide by the regulations documented in the Social Security Act 1862(1)(B), 5 CFR §890.1043(a)(b)(c), 42 CFR §422.503(b)(4)(vi)(F), 422.752(a)(8), 423.504(b)(4)(vi)(F), 423.752(a)(6), 422.222, 422.224 and 1001.1901. These federal exclusion requirements are further interpreted and communicated as guidance by CMS in the Medicare Manual, Volume 100-16, Chapters 9 and 21 §50.6.8.

Medicaid managed care programs, their subcontractors and other delegated entities must abide by the regulations documented in the Social Security Act 1862(e)(1)(B), 5 CFR §890.1043(a)(b)(c), 42 CFR §422.503(b)(4)(vi)(F), 422.752(a)(8), and 1001.1901, and California Welfare and Institutions Code sections 14043.6 and 14123.

Additional regulations that require sponsors to include CMS requirements in their contracts, as well as monitor their subcontractors and other delegated entities, are available in 42 CFR §422.504(i)(4)(B)(v) and 423.505(i)(3)(v).

Last Updated: 01/07/2025