Member Notification for Specialist Termination

Provider Type

  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)

Delegated participating physician groups (PPGs) must have a written policy regarding member notification when a specialist terminates their contract. The written policy must include the following elements:

  • PPGs must notify the plan 90 days prior to a specialist terminating (or as stated in the PPG's Provider Participation Agreement (PPA)).
  • PPGs must identify members who have regularly seen the terminating specialist or have an open authorization to receive services from the terminating specialist.
  • Identified members must be notified by the PPG in writing and the notification must be made immediately upon notification of termination, but no later than 30 calendar days prior to the effective date of the specialist's termination.
  • PPGs must help members transition to a new specialist within the PPG's network of participating providers.

If a member with an acute care condition has questions or concerns regarding the continuation of services from the terminating specialist, advise the member to call the Health Net Medi-Cal Member Services Department, Community Health Plan of Imperial Valley Member Services Department or CalViva Health Member Services Department.