Community-Based Adult Services

Provider Type

  • Physicians 
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Hospitals
  • Ancillary

The Community-Based Adult Services (CBAS) program is a community-based day care program designed to provide a variety of health, therapeutic and social services to eligible Medi-Cal members ages 18 and older. CBAS services are delivered based on need and an established care plan, offering a bundle of services during a service day. The number of days per week that members receive services is based on medical criteria and is incorporated into a Health Net-approved care plan. Services include, but are not limited to:

  • skilled nursing care
  • social services
  • personal care
  • physical, occupational and speech therapy
  • family and caregiver training and support
  • meals
  • mental health services
  • transportation to and from the CBAS center

Members who may benefit from CBAS are those with multiple complex chronic medical, cognitive or psychological conditions and functional limitations who require regular health monitoring, skilled nursing and therapeutic intervention, and social supports to maintain function in the community and prevent avoidable emergency department or hospital admissions, or short-or long-term nursing facility admission.

CBAS is a Medi-Cal managed care benefit, and covered services are Health Net's financial responsibility. CBAS program eligibility does not affect dual-eligible (Medicare and Medi-Cal) members' Medicare coverage, Social Security benefits or the Medicare physicians they visit outside a CBAS center.