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Provider Type

  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Hospitals

Participating physician groups (PPGs) with delegated utilization management (UM) status are required to consistently meet Health Net's UM standards related to inpatient care, outpatient care, discharge planning, case management, retrospective review, and timeliness of authorizations and denials. Health Net's UM standards are updated as necessary to comply with standards established by federal and state regulatory agencies and accreditation entities, such as the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Delegation of UM activities allow for autonomy based on PPG capabilities and creates accountability to Health Net. Health Net audits PPGs for accountability and reporting of PPG activities.

Health Net conducts annual audits and ongoing oversight and monitoring of delegated activities. 

Multidisciplinary medical management staff may perform additional ongoing operational assessments. Based on the PPGs performance and abilities, Health Net may modify delegation status.

The regional medical director (RMD), regional network director (RND) and/or Delegation Oversight staff contacts the PPG prior to a change in delegation status. The PPG may also request an additional assessment or change in delegation status from the RMD or RND.

Program Description

PPGs with delegated responsibilities for UM are required to have a written UM program that documents all facets of the delegated authority. All decisions regarding approval or denial of health care services under delegation are made in accordance with the PPG UM program, which includes a UM committee review process.

PPGs with delegated functions are required to use standardized, nationally recognized UM criteria, such as InterQual® Guidelines, to ensure consistent decision-making at all levels of review. The UM program must specify the medical criteria and process used to determine medical necessity. The PPG must consider age, comorbidities, complications, treatment progress, psychosocial situation, and home environment (when applicable) when applying medical criteria. The PPG must also consider characteristics of the local delivery system available to a particular member, such as skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) and access to local hospitals and home health care.

The PPG UM program is evaluated annually by the UM Compliance Auditor for compliance with Health Net standards and is required to be approved by the governing board of the PPG annually, with written documentation of review and approval. Health Net's UM standards are updated as necessary to comply with standards established by federal and state regulatory agencies and accreditation entities, such as the NCQA when applicable.

A PPG's UM program should provide evidence that internal procedures for UM are operationally sound, and include documentation that:

  • A specific person or position is designated to ensure that necessary authorization procedures are performed.
  • Authorizations for elective and urgent health care services are within established time standards.
  • Utilization deliberations and decisions are available and accomplished daily. A summary report of utilization activities is reviewed by the PPG UM committee.
  • Documentation of the UM process includes the decision, member notification, and provider notification. In the case of a denial, the specific reason for the denial, including the specific utilization review criteria or benefit provision used in the determination, an alternative treatment plan and the appeal process must be included.
  • Timely, documented member notification of approval or denial is on record.
  • Weekly logs of hospital admissions and denials must be submitted to the Health Net Notification Unit.
  • UM system controls are in place and meet NCQA guidelines.

Additional guidelines for elements that should be addressed in the PPG UM program description are incorporated in the Delegation Oversight Interactive Tool (DOIT) for evaluating structural and process elements. The responsibilities of Health Net and delegated providers are outlined in the UM-Delegation Agreement.

Policy Development

The utilization management (UM) criteria or guidelines used to determine whether to authorize, modify, or deny health care services must be evaluated at least annually and updated, as necessary. For Medi-Cal and Commercial lines of business, written policies and procedures must include disclosures pertaining to the use and oversight of the AI, algorithm or other software tool used in the UM determination process.

UM Committee

Each PPG is required to have a UM committee that meets not less than quarterly, and more frequently if necessary. UM committees that are responsible for authorization decisions are required to meet more frequently. The UM committee's purpose and responsibilities must be written and on file. The committee minutes must be on file and available for review by Health Net on request.

Delegated Prospective Review of Emergency Services

If an injury or illness requires emergency services, members are instructed to call 911 or go to the nearest hospital or urgent care center. When emergency services are received, members must contact their primary care physician (PCP) or participating physician group (PPG) as soon as possible to notify them of the emergency services received.

Emergency services are a covered benefit if a prudent layperson, acting reasonably, believes that the condition requires emergency medical treatment or if an authorized representative, acting for the organization, has authorized the emergency services or directed the member to the emergency room. A physician reviews emergency claims for medical necessity, and considers presenting symptoms, as well as the discharge diagnosis, for the emergency services.

A prudent layperson is a person who is without medical training and who draws on their practical experience when making a decision regarding whether emergency medical treatment is needed. A prudent layperson is considered to have acted "reasonably" if other similarly situated laypersons would have believed, on the basis of observation of the medical symptoms at hand, that emergency medical treatment was necessary.

PPGs are required to notify the Hospital Notification Unit if an inpatient admission is required at a participating hospital. The plan requires notification from the PPG within 24 hours of admission if it occurs on a weekday, or the next business day if the admission occurs on a weekend or holiday. This applies to all shared-risk and fee-for-service (FFS) PPGs, inpatient facilities and PPGs regardless of risk arrangement.

Encounter Data

Health Net requires submission of encounter data for the purpose of conducting a retrospective review. Encounter data is collected across the provider network for both outpatient and inpatient services. Participating physician group (PPG)-specific data is analyzed and compared to plan-wide data in order to identify more effective methods for management of health care resources.

Aggregate data analysis allows the PPG to assess overall trends of utilization. Reports of all services approved following the PPG utilization management (UM) program are submitted to Health Net through encounter data. The encounter data system assists in tracking and trending utilization patterns across Health Net's provider network. A successful encounter-reporting schedule is important to assure that service data is submitted to Health Net in an accurate and timely manner. Contact the Encounter Department for assistance. Failure of the PPG to submit timely and accurate data, as well as failure to meet these standards, results in development of a corrective action plan (CAP).

Shared Risk UM Responsibilities

Shared risk is assigned to participating physician groups (PPGs) that have demonstrated the capacity to manage selected operational functions. These groups have agreed to a shared-risk agreement for institutional services. The plan performs selected oversight of the PPG management of delegated services and shared management responsibility. Refer to the discussions in the Provider Evaluation for Delegation section for more information about the standardized program reviews, including the use of the Delegation Oversight Interactive Tool (DOIT).

PPG Responsibilities

In a shared-risk relationship, PPGs are responsible for the following:

  • Conducting prospective, concurrent and retrospective reviews with advice from and guidance by medical management when requested or needed.
  • Cooperating with medical management on all out-of-area admissions, including but not limited to, repatriation.
  • Reporting inpatient admissions within 24 hours or on the next business day.
  • Conducting concurrent reviews and providing findings and recommendations on level of care and lengths of stay for each inpatient admission within 24 hours or on the next business day.
  • Assisting in identification of coordination of benefits (COB) and third-party payer information.
  • Having a written utilization management (UM) program description and plan approved by the plan. The program and plan are evaluated annually for effect on members and providers and are reviewed and approved by the governing body of the PPG, with signature and minutes documenting the approval.
  • Establishing a UM committee comprised of board-certified providers, who make decisions regarding the approval or denial of health care services to members.
  • Using standardized nationally recognized UM criteria to ensure consistent medical necessity determination at all levels of review and interrater reliability (IRR) for all individuals involved in the UM process.
  • Having written specific procedures for prospective, concurrent and retrospective reviews and case management that are supervised by qualified medical professionals and physician consultants from the applicable specialties of medicine and surgery. Physicians used to assist in medical necessity determinations are certified by one of the American boards of medical specialties.
  • Having UM program policies and procedures, which specifically outline member and provider notification of medically necessary determinations, including approvals and denials. The PPG clearly documents and communicates the reasons for each denial, including the specific utilization review criteria or benefits provision used in the determination. The denial process is clearly outlined and includes an appeal process. For Medi-Cal and Commercial lines of business, written policies and procedures must include disclosures pertaining to the use and oversight of the AI, algorithm or other software tool used in the UM determination process.
  • Having a denial policy and procedure and member letters that include required regulatory statements indicating how the member can appeal directly to the plan.
  • Having a denial process that includes specific regulatory language indicating that participating providers (for example, physicians, inpatient facilities and ancillary providers) may appeal directly to the plan.
  • Conducting daily inpatient reviews to provide review information to a designated utilization and/or care management nurse upon request. Review information can be submitted by telephone or fax. The plan, to the extent necessary and at its own discretion, may assist the PPG in performing concurrent reviews, coordinating the discharge plan, determining medical necessity and appropriate level of care, and consulting on quality improvement screening when the health plan identifies concerns related to under- or over-utilization.
  • Administering member coverage based on member's Evidence of Coverage (EOC).
  • Participating with the plan in meetings as scheduled.
  • Actively collaborating with Care Management to maximize effectiveness in managing the member's care.
  • Providing valid, reliable and timely encounter data as requested and complying with the UM program.
  • Conducting reporting and analysis semi-annually for commercial members and quarterly for Medicare Advantage members, which includes:
    • Acute inpatient bed days/1,000, admits/1,000, average length of stay.
    • Skilled nursing facility (SNF) bed days/1,000, admits/1,000, average length of stay.
    • Emergency room visits/1,000.
      • Outpatient surgery cases/1,000
  • Preparing action plans for any outlier UM indicators.

Refer to other discussions in the Provider Delegation topic for additional information, including a calendar of required submissions.

PPG Responsibilities Regarding Nonparticipating Hospitals

If a nonparticipating hospital emergency room department or the nonparticipating provider calls the member's PPG or primary care physician (PCP) to request authorization for medically necessary post-stabilization care, the PPG or PCP should immediately notify the Hospital Notification Department. Do not issue an authorization or tracking number or confirmation of eligibility to the nonparticipating hospital. (This does not apply to Medicare Advantage HMO members.)

(Note: A PPG in a dual risk relationship with a hospital is responsible for complete utilization management (UM) for members to which the dual risk relationship applies. Such UM includes confirming eligibility, issuing authorizations or tracking numbers to nonparticipating hospitals, and arranging for member transfers or discharges, as appropriate. A PPG participating in a dual risk relationship should notify the plan of any member admissions to nonparticipating hospitals.)

Plan Responsibilities

In a shared-risk relationship, the plan is responsible for the following:

  • Assigning a UM nurse to receive concurrent reviews from PPGs (by telephone or onsite) on selected cases, or, as required for the purpose of assisting in arranging for the provision of care at the correct level and in members' discharge planning.
  • Assigning a regional medical directors (RMDs) and provider relations & contracting specialist (formally provider network administrator) to act as a liaison with network providers to resolve contractual, operational and service problems.
  • Having the Member Services Department function as a liaison between members and the PPG.
  • Performing member satisfaction surveys and initiating intervention as needed.
  • Assigning a UM Compliance Auditor to conduct pre-contractual evaluations, annual evaluations, and perform oversight and monitoring of the PPG to evaluate the PPG's UM program using the Delegation Oversight Interactive Tool (DOIT), including a review of denial and appeal process, and assisting the PPG in complying with these policies, state and federal regulations and accreditation standards.
  • Providing non-participating hospitals in California with one contact telephone number to call to request authorization to provide post-stabilization services to a patient who has received emergency services. After receiving the required information from the PPG, Health Net contacts the nonparticipating hospital with directions for transferring the patient or an authorization for medically necessary post-stabilization care. If the telephone call is not returned within 30 minutes, authorization is deemed to be granted (pursuant to enactment of Assembly Bill 1203 (2008), which amended Health and Safety Code section 1262.8 (b)(3) and section 1371.4. (This does not apply to Medicare Advantage HMO members.).

Integrated organization determination for DSNP members in Exclusively Aligned Enrollment (EAE) counties

Dual Special Needs Plan (DSNP) contractors are required to provide integrated organization determination for the DSNP members in Exclusively Aligned Enrollment (EAE) counties. For DSNP members in EAE counties, the authorization for the services requested need to be reviewed for both Medicare and Medi-Cal benefits to determine eligibility for the service requested. PPGs that are delegated to perform the Medicare services shall not deny prior authorization as “not a covered benefit” without checking both Medicare and Medi-Cal covered services (refer to the list of services below).

DSNP prior authorization timelines

PPGs should forward prior authorizations for the services that are not covered under Medicare but that are covered under Medi-Cal to Health Net within the following timelines:

  • For standard requests, forward to Health Net within 1 business day upon receipt of the request.
  • For expedited requests, forward to Health Net within 24 hours upon receipt of the request.

Fax authorizations to Health Net Medi-Cal Prior Authorization Department fax number

Fax prior authorizations to the Medi-Cal fax number listed under Health Net Prior Authorization Department in the Provider Library’s Contacts section and include:

  • The date and time that the service request was initially received.
  • The clinical decision that was used to make the initial determination.

Services not covered under Medicare but covered under Medi-Cal

  • Asthma remediation
  • Community Based Adult Services
  • Community Supports
  • Community transition services/nursing facility transition services to a home
  • Day habilitation programs
  • Durable medical equipment (DME) that is covered by Medi-Cal
  • Environmental accessibility adaptation (home modification)
  • Housing deposit (up to $6,000)
  • Housing tenancy and sustaining services
  • Housing transition navigation
  • Long-term care
  • Medically tailored meals
  • Nursing facility transition/diversion to assisted living facilities
  • Personal care services and homemaker services
  • Recuperative care
  • Respite services
  • Short-term post-hospitalization housing
  • Sobering centers

Scenarios where PPGs would be responsible for sending out the Applicable Integrated Plan (AIP) Coverage Decision Letter

Refer to the below table to see the scenarios where PPGs are responsible for sending out the AIP Coverage Decision Letter. This will help PPGs determine when to forward the authorizations to the Plan and when to send the Applicable Integrated Plan Coverage Decision Letter for DSNP members in EAE counties.

Delegated PPG
Health Plan

Eligibility denial

Deny and send AIP coverage decision letter.


Medical necessity denial

Deny and send AIP coverage decision letter.


Scenarios where PPGs would be responsible for forwarding the request to the Health Plan

Delegated PPG
Health Plan

Benefit denial

Forward to Health Plan with the Medicare clinical decision.

Deny and send AIP coverage decision letter.

Out of network

Forward to Health Plan with the Medicare clinical decision.

Deny and send AIP coverage decision letter.

The Applicable Integrated Plan Coverage Decision Letter can be found in the Delegation Oversight Interactive Tool (DOIT)/MetricStream.

Last Updated: 01/07/2025