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Provider Type

  • Physicians
  • Hospitals
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Ancillary

Obesity is defined as an excess of body fat. Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body weight relative to height. BMI can be used to determine if people are at a healthy weight, overweight or obese. An adult member whose BMI is 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight and a BMI of 30 or more is considered obese. Children of the same age and sex, with a BMI at or above the 85th percentile and lower than the 95th percentile is defined as overweight. Considerations for obesity is having a BMI at the 95th percentile or above.

Obesity is a treatable medical condition. Treatment of this condition varies depending on the severity of the members' condition.


The primary care physician (PCP) or attending provider may recommend a diet plan for the member to follow and, if medically appropriate, the PCP may refer the member to a dietitian or a provider who specializes in weight-loss management. These services are covered as specialist consultation services. In cases of extreme morbid obesity, other treatments, such as pharmaceutical and surgical services, may be covered.

Health Net does not provide coverage for diet programs, such as Weight Watchers®. Gym memberships and exercise programs are also not covered under Medi-Cal.


Medi-Cal members are eligible to receive weight control resources through the Health Education Department. Resources include:

  • Fit Families for Life program - Mailed educational self-guided resource with nutrition tips, exercise band and cookbook to help families and children eat healthy and stay active. Physical activity videos are available online.
  • Healthy Habits for Healthy People Program - Nutrition and physical activity resource for older adults. Includes a workbook, cookbook and exercise band. Physical activity videos are available online.

The following information does not apply to Medi-Cal

All participating physician groups (PPGs) or attending providers offer patient education programs, including weight management. For more information regarding Health Net's weight loss interactive tools, discounts and online education programs, refer to the Eat Right Now by Sharecare program.

Eat Right Now by Sharecare program. Eat Right Now by Sharecare is an evidence-based app designed to help patients make better food choices and practice healthy habits that lead to sustainable weight-loss. The program includes daily guided lessons, mindfulness exercises, craving tools, community support, and live weekly calls with a behavior change expert.

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Bariatric Surgery Services (HMO and PPO only)

Last Updated: 03/12/2025