Hospice Care

Provider Type

  • Physicians
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Hospitals
  • Ancillary

Medicare hospice benefits are administered only through the original Medicare program. After the member has elected hospice, the member remains enrolled in the Health Net Medicare Advantage (MA).

For hospice services covered by Medicare Part A or B that are related to the terminal illness, the hospice provider bills Medicare and Medicare pays for hospice service and any Medicare Part A or B services.

For hospice services covered by Medicare Part A or B that are not related to terminal illness (except for emergency or urgently needed care), the provider bills Medicare for services and Medicare pays for the services covered by Medicare Part A and Part B.

Medications are never covered by both hospice and Health Net at the same time. Health Net covered non-hospice Part D medications are paid for by Health Net.

Health Net covered services, not covered by Medicare Part A or B that are offered as enhanced or supplemental benefits, whether they are related to terminal illness or not, are paid for by Health Net.


After the hospice election form is signed, all professional, ancillary and institutional claims for other Medicare-covered non-hospice services and services that are enhanced benefits under Health Net's MA plans must be submitted first to the Medicare administrator contractor. For more information on claims, refer to Claims Submission listed below. For additional information on cost-sharing and provider payment, refer to the table below.

The requirements for admission in the Medicare hospice program are:

  • The attending physician certifies that the member is terminally ill and is expected to live six months or less
  • The member chooses to receive only hospice care from a Medicare-certified hospice instead of therapeutic care under the MA plans for the terminal illness
  • The member has a caregiver available 24 hours a day
  • Care is provided by a Medicare-certified hospice program

Definition of Hospice Services

Hospice services are covered when the Health Net member has met hospice care requirements and the services are authorized by Health Net or a participating provider. Health Net or the participating physician group (PPG) is required to certify the member as terminally ill. The hospice and its employees must be licensed and certified by Medicare. For additional information, refer to Criteria for Hospice Appropriatenss (PDF).

Covered Hospice Services

The following services are covered under hospice when related directly to the terminal illness:

  • Professional services of a registered nurse, licensed practical nurse or licensed vocational nurse
  • Physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy
  • Medical and surgical supplies and durable medical equipment
  • Prescribed medications
  • In-home laboratory services
  • Medical social service consultations
  • Inpatient hospice room, board and general nursing service
  • Inpatient respite care, which is short-term care provided to the member only when necessary to relieve the family or other persons caring for the member, when respite care is covered
  • Family counseling related to the member terminal condition
  • Dietitian services
  • Pastoral services
  • Bereavement services
  • Educational services
  • Home health aide services consisting primarily of a medical or therapeutic nature and furnished to a member who is receiving appropriate nursing or therapy services

To be covered by Medicare, hospice services must be consistent with the member's plan of care as prepared by the hospice.

Inpatient hospital or skilled nursing care may be required for palliation and management of terminal illness and related conditions. Inpatient care may also be furnished to provide respite for the member's family or other persons caring for the member at home if the member's plan provides coverage for respite care. Only qualified personnel may perform hospice services. The type of service, rather than the qualification of the person who provides it, determines the coverage category of the service.

Member Election of Hospice

Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in managed care plans may elect hospice benefits.

A terminally ill member may have two 90-day election periods followed by an unlimited number of 60-day periods. The member may revoke the election at any time in writing by filing a document with the hospice; the member forfeits hospice coverage for any remaining days in that election period. Upon revoking the election of Medicare coverage of hospice care for a particular election period, the member resumes Medicare coverage of the benefits waived when hospice care was elected. Claims for services provided after hospice care has been revoked but before the beginning of the month after the month hospice was revoked (and full capitation payments resume) must be submitted to the appropriate Medicare intermediary or carrier for payment.

A member who elects hospice care, but chooses not to disenroll from the plan, is entitled to continue to receive services through the MA plan. This is specific to any benefits other than those that are the hospice's responsibility. Through the Original Medicare program and subject to the standard rules of payment, CMS pays the hospice program for hospice care furnished to the member and the MA organization, providers and suppliers for other Medicare-covered services furnished to the member.

The table below summarizes the cost-sharing and provider payments for services furnished to an MA plan member who elects hospice.

Cost-Sharing and Provider Payment

Type of Service

Member Coverage Choice

Member Cost-Sharing

Payment to Providers

Hospice program

Hospice program

Original Medicare cost-sharing

Original Medicare

Non-hospice, Part A and B

MA plan or Original Medicare

MA plan cost-sharing, if member follows MA plan rules

Original Medicare cost-sharing, if member does not follow MA plan rules

Original Medicare

Non-hospice, Part D

MA plan (if applicable)

MA plan cost-sharing

Health Net


MA plan

MA plan cost-sharing

Health Net

Hospice Consideration Request Letter

To further assist providers in proper utilization of hospice care, Health Net has developed a Hospice Consideration Request (PDF) letter template. The template may be used to notify a PCP or attending physician of a member's need for hospice care.

Services Unrelated to the Terminal Condition

Coverage under Original Medicare for conditions completely unrelated to the terminal condition for which hospice was elected remains available to the member if they are eligible for such care. The member is also eligible for enhanced benefits offered by Health Net's MA plans.

The participating provider must inform the hospice and the member that, regardless of the forms signed upon election and admission to a hospice program, the member is still required to have all non-hospice-related care directed, arranged and authorized, if required, by the member's PCP or the PPG, with the exception of Violet plan members who can select either a participating or non-participating provider, depending on the desired level of coverage.

If a member electing hospice needs prescription medications for conditions not related to hospice care, these costs are the MA organization's responsibility to the extent the medications are covered under Part D or the MA organization's plan.