Acupuncture Services

Provider Type

  • Physicians
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Ancillary

Supplemental coverage for acupuncture services is available to some Health Net members. If members are unsure of their benefit coverage, they should be advised to contact the Health Net Member Services telephone number as listed on their identification (ID) cards.

Health Net members may quality for acupuncture services in one of two ways:

  1. Enrolling in a medical plan that offers the option to purchase additional supplemental benefit coverage.
  2. Enrolling in a medical plan that includes supplemental benefit coverage with their monthly plan premium.

Members who have this supplemental coverage obtain acupuncture services through the American Specialty Health Plans, Inc. (ASH Plans) network of participating acupuncturists without a referral from the member's primary care physician (PCP) or participating physician group (PPG).

If a member requests coverage for acupuncture services, and the member qualifies for acupuncture coverage under Health Net's arrangement with ASH Plans, refer the member to the employer, the Health Net Member Services Department or the Health Net Medicare Programs Member Services Department.