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Member Appeals Overview

Provider Type

  • Physicians
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Hospitals
  • Ancillary

Health Net members are entitled to have their appeals or grievances addressed by Health Net and have a contractual right to claims arbitration for claims that are not resolved to their satisfaction. Health Net does not delegate appeals or grievances to participating providers. If the participating provider becomes aware of a member appeal, the participating provider must fax the appeal to the Health Net Member Appeals and Grievance Department within one business day. Health Net's process includes peer-review-protected evaluations on the matters raised. A copy of the denial and relevant clinical information needs to be submitted with appeal requests. Health Net's grievance and appeal process includes peer-review-protected evaluation of the matters raised.

Grievances are a verbal or written statement, other than one that is an organization determination, expressing dissatisfaction regarding any aspect of an organization's or participating provider's operations, contractual issues, activities, or behavior. A grievance is generally further classified as either a quality-of-care or quality-of-service issue.

An appeal or request for reconsideration is a verbal or written request to change a previous service decision or adverse determination. The request can be from a member, a participating provider or a member representative and is categorized as either a pre-service, post-service, expedited, or external review.

The fact that a member submits an appeal or grievance to Health Net or the participating provider should not affect in any way the manner in which the member is treated by the participating provider. If Health Net discovers that any improper action has been taken against such a member by the participating provider, Health Net takes immediate steps to prevent such conduct in the future. These steps involve appropriate sanctions, including possible termination of the applicable Provider Participation Agreement (PPA).

Health Net requires that all participating providers provide all pertinent appeal or grievance documentation to the Health Net Member Appeals and Grievance Department by fax or mail within five calendar days of the participating providers' receipt of Health Net's request for information. Health Net expects the participating provider to review the matter promptly and work with Health Net on corrective actions needed as part of the overall quality improvement process. If the participating provider does not provide the necessary documentation, Health Net may be obligated to make a determination in the member's favor.

Refer to Appeal, Grievance, Complaint, or Inquiry as applicable for additional information.


An expedited appeal is warranted if there is a time-sensitive situation where an adverse decision could seriously jeopardize the life or health of the member or the member's ability to regain maximum function, defined as cases involving an imminent and serious threat to the health of the patient, including, but not limited to, severe pain, potential loss of life, limb, or major bodily function.

Expedited appeals includes pre-service appeals, a terminally ill appeal for a request for reconsideration of treatment, services or supplies deemed experimental as recommended by a participating provider, or a life-threatening or seriously debilitating condition appeal.

All expedited appeals that meet the above definition are processed within 72 hours from the time the request is received by the participating provider or Health Net.

Financial Responsibility

Financial responsibility determinations are made consistent with the terms of the Provider Participation Agreement (PPA) and Health Net policy. If, during an appeal, Health Net or the independent medical review (IMR) overturns a denial, the responsible participating provider provides the service and pays the claim as stated in the PPA.

Binding Arbitration Process

Sometimes disputes may arise between a member and Health Net regarding the construction, interpretation, performance, or breach of the member's Evidence of Coverage (EOC) or Certificate of Insurance (COI), or regarding other matters relating to or arising out of membership. Typically such disputes are handled and resolved through the Health Net appeal, grievance or independent medical review (IMR) processes. However, in the event that a dispute is not resolved, Health Net uses binding arbitration as the final method for resolving all such disputes, whether stated in tort, contract or otherwise, and whether or not other parties, such as employer groups, health care providers, or their agents or employees, are also involved. In addition, disputes with Health Net involving alleged professional liability or medical malpractice (that is, whether any medical services rendered were unnecessary or unauthorized or were improperly, negligently or incompetently rendered) also must be submitted to binding arbitration.

As a condition of membership, Health Net members agree to submit all disputes against Health Net, except those described later, to final and binding arbitration. Health Net agrees to arbitrate all of these disputes. This mutual agreement to arbitrate disputes means that both the member and Health Net use binding arbitration as the final means of resolving disputes that may arise between them, and forego any right they may have to a jury trial on such disputes. However, no remedies that otherwise would be available to either party in a court of law are forfeited by virtue of this agreement to use and be bound by Health Net's binding arbitration process. This agreement to arbitrate is enforced even if a party to the arbitration is also involved in another action or proceeding with a third party arising out of the same matter.

Health Net's binding arbitration process is conducted by mutually acceptable arbitrators selected by Health Net and the member. The Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C.1, et sea., governs arbitrations under this process. If the total amount of damages claimed is $200,000 or less, Health Net and the member must, within 30 days of submission of the demand for arbitration to Health Net, appoint a mutually acceptable single neutral arbitrator who hears and decides the case and who cannot award more than $200,000. In the event that the total amount of damages is more than $200,000, Health Net and the member must, within 30 days of submission of the demand for arbitration to Health Net, appoint a mutually acceptable panel of three neutral arbitrators (unless they mutually agree to one arbitrator), who hears and decides the case.

If Health Net and the member fail to reach an agreement during this time frame, then either may apply to a Court of Competent Jurisdiction for appointment of the arbitrators to hear and decide the matter.

Arbitration can be initiated by submitting a demand for arbitration to Health Net's litigation administrator. The demand must have a clear statement of the facts, the relief sought and a dollar amount.

The arbitrator is required to follow applicable state or federal law. The arbitrator may interpret the Health Net member's EOC or COI, but does not have any power to change, modify or refuse to enforce any of its terms, nor can the arbitrator have the authority to make any award that would not be available in a court of law. At the conclusion of the arbitration, the arbitrator issues a written opinion and award providing findings of fact and conclusions of law. The award is final and binding on Health Net and the member, except to the extent that state or federal law provides for judicial review of arbitration proceedings.

Health Net and the member share equally the arbitrator's fees and expenses of administration involved in the arbitration. Each is also responsible for their own attorneys' fees. In cases of extreme hardship to a member, Health Net may assume all or a portion of a member's share of the fees and expenses of the arbitration. Upon written notice by the member requesting a hardship application, Health Net forwards the request for hardship to an independent professional dispute resolution organization for a determination. Such request for hardship should be submitted to the litigation administrator.

Members enrolled in an employer-sponsored health plan that is subject to ERISA, 29 U.S.C. 1001 et seq. are not required to submit disputes about certain adverse benefit determinations to binding arbitration. However, the member and Health Net may voluntarily agree to resolve adverse benefit determinations through the arbitration process.

Last Updated: 12/11/2024