Facility and Satellites

Provider Type

  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Hospitals

If a facility expands its capacity by adding new or satellite facilities, or new member physicians or other subcontracting providers, the facility must notify the plan in writing at least 90 days before the addition. The plan has the right, in its sole discretion, to determine whether the new or satellite facilities or the new member physicians are acceptable to the plan.

Facilities and Satellite Contracts

According to the terms of the Provider Participation Agreement (PPA), participating physician groups (PPGs) agree not to add new or satellite facilities until the plan has approved them. The plan is free to deny participation under the PPA to any new or satellite facilities, and is not obligated to state a cause or explain the denial of the addition or provide the PPG with any right to appeal or any other due process. The plan's decisions regarding additions to the network are considered final and binding.

Facility Terminations

Facilities are required to notify the regional Provider Network Management Department in writing at least 90 days in advance of the date that a subcontracting provider terminates its relationship with the facility.