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Provider Type

  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)

Health Net uses the Delegation Oversight Interactive Tool (DOIT) to evaluate structural and process elements. Refer to the Utilization Management (UM)-Delegation Agreement for more information on these elements.

Health Net may delegate responsibility for activities associated with UM and Care Management services to its PPGs. Prior to participating with Health Net, and at least annually thereafter, Health Net conducts a review of each PPG. Health Net uses DOIT and other tools to evaluate the provider's facility and ability to deliver high-quality health care consistently and perform necessary administrative functions. Based on the audit scores and findings, if certain thresholds and criteria are met, the Delegation Oversight Committee (DOC) may deem it proper to delegate certain specific functions to the PPG to perform. If approved for delegation, a delegation agreement is forwarded to the PPG for signature. The delegation agreement includes a matrix that delineates the specific responsibilities delegated to, and accepted by, the PPG.

Upon delegation, Health Net may delineate specific and certain medical management functions for performance improvement. Performance improvement plans shall be shared with PPGs at regular intervals. Health Net and PPG medical directors are required to afford and actively participate in implementation of performance improvement plans.

Health Net systematically monitors and tracks provider compliance for all delegated providers because Health Net remains accountable to state and federal regulatory agencies for provider compliance even if certain functions are delegated.

Delegation Program Monitoring and Evaluation

Health Net may delegate responsibility for activities associated with utilization management (UM) and Care Management to participating providers. The DOC determines delegation status for each of the above functions, based initially on the results of pre-delegation comprehensive evaluation.

The DOC renders delegation decisions and provides guidance regarding delegation responsibilities through reports of annual audit results, oversight and monitoring, and periodic reviews of PPG specific data as reported from the Health Net Quality Improvement (QI) staff. This data includes, but is not limited to, complaints, access audit performance, member satisfaction results, and other quality of care data. Health Net may revoke, partial or complete delegation at any time if the committee determines that the PPG is no longer capable of performing delegated functions.

The DOC communicates delegation decisions for new PPGs or additional lines of business, as well as any recommendations and requests for root cause analysis and/or corrective action plans, to the PPG in writing by a series of standardized letters. The letters describe the functions or activities for which delegation is approved or denied, a delegation agreement, a delineation of the responsibilities of the PPG and the health plan, and the time frames for responses and submission of any required corrective plans. Health Net always remains accountable for all care and service delivered to members.

Delegation agreements for existing delegates are updated and signed as needed.

Health Net and PPGs may schedule operations meetings based on PPG requests or business needs identified by Health Net. Other criteria affecting PPG performance may necessitate additional meetings as determined by representatives. The meetings are multidisciplinary and provide a forum for both parties to discuss operational issues and PPG performance measures, which may include: access audit results, accreditation updates, UM audit results, care management audit results, appeals and grievance issues, denial issues, medical management issues, claims issues, eligibility, encounter data submission, pharmacy issues, required submissions report, provider profiles, and other information relevant to the member population served. Representatives from the PPG, Health Net and participating hospitals (if any) are included in the meetings.

Screening of prospective, concurrent and retrospective quality issues is conducted by the Quality Improvement staff upon notification of potential quality of care concerns. Indicators that may be reviewed include:

  • Access - delay in authorization
  • Access - delay in diagnosis
  • Access - delay in service
  • Communication
  • Continuity of care
  • Denial or delay of referral or authorization
  • Denial of treatment
  • Emergency services
  • Encounter data submission
  • Financial viability
  • Inadequate care
  • Inappropriate care or treatment
  • Inappropriate denial of treatment
  • Messy or unsanitary environment
  • Misdiagnosis or inability to diagnose
  • PPG claims and UM timeliness
  • Physician incentive plan reporting
  • Provider education
  • Refusal to treat or care for members
  • Rude, inappropriate or insensitive behavior
  • Satellite addition and deletion
  • Unprofessional and unethical behavior
  • Urgent issues
  • Utilization, credentialing and claims delegation oversight

Transitioning Delegated Functions

Delegated providers interested in transitioning any of their delegated functions, such as utilization management, claims, care management, or credentialing, to a new or different subcontracted entity or management services organization (MSO) must request approval from Health Net a minimum of 90 calendar days in advance of the anticipated transition date.

Submit written requests to your Provider Network Management (PNM) representative at least 90 calendar days in advance of the transition with the following information:

  • Name of the new entity
  • Delegated functions to transition to the new entity
  • Contact name with contact information at the new entity
  • Date of proposed transition

Approval or denial of the delegation transition to another entity is provided by Health Net once Health Net performs a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the new entity.

Delegated providers are prohibited from initiating any transition plans to the new entity without Health Net's prior approval. Failure to comply with adequate notification and approval can jeopardize a provider's participation in Health Net's provider network.

Revoking Delegation

The DOC may, prior to any of the steps discussed in the Corrective Action Plan topic, decide to revoke delegation or send Health Net staff to the PPG for oversight and to assist in achieving compliance. When revoking delegation, Health Net follows written policies and procedures to ensure that there is no adverse effect on members.

Program Evaluation for Delegation

Oversight of PPG

Oversight of PPG operations includes annual ongoing review and monitoring of the written description of the utilization management (UM) program and operational assessment using the Delegation Oversight Interactive Tool (DOIT). PPG oversight includes, but is not limited to:

  • Monitoring of denials.
  • Compliance with health care criteria.
  • Compliance with Health Net's approval and denial decision timelines standards.

During the assessment, the UM compliance auditor reviews policies and procedures, including the UM program to validate adherence to compliance standards. The UM compliance auditor will provide the PPG with details on all findings and request the PPG to outline a plan for improvement, where needed. The UM compliance auditor will review this plan and verify that it is appropriate based on the failures identified prior to approval.

Additional PPG documentation may be requested to complete the evaluation. The completed evaluation, with recommendations from the UM compliance auditor, is reviewed and presented to the Delegation Oversight Workgroup (DOW) and forwarded to the Delegation Oversight Committee (DOC) PPGs with extensive improvement plans are monitored closely until the changes are effective. A non-compliant PPG may be referred to the DOC for further action. Status reports are made to the DOC. PPGs not able to maintain the required standards are referred to the DOC for possible revocation of specified delegated activities.

In the event that a PPG disagrees with audit findings or the delegation decision of the DOC, the PPG may present the issue in dispute, in writing, to the chairperson of the DOC within 10 business days of receipt of the determination.

Delegation Assessments

Health Net evaluates the PPG's UM program pre-contractually and at least annually thereafter. To guide the assessment and provide consistency, Health Net uses a standard set of evaluation criteria driven by regulatory requirements and guidelines. Criteria is applied based on the lines of business delegated to the PPG.

The UM compliance auditors will perform these evaluations. The UM compliance auditor communicates with PPGs regarding the UM and care management (CM) program and standards. The UM compliance auditors are the principal liaison for regulatory requirements between Health Net and the PPGs and play an integral role in helping PPGs maintain compliance with Health Net's expectations.

Delineation of Delegation Responsibilities

Structural elements are basic requirements that must be developed in order to maintain an effective utilization management (UM) program. These elements are developed and approved to provide a process to support UM activities. The elements of a provider's UM program are reviewed, revised and approved annually. Health Net uses the Delegation Oversight Interactive Tool (DOIT) for evaluating structural and process elements. Refer to the Utilization Management (UM)-Delegation Agreement for more information.

Revocation of Delegated Medical Management

Health Net reserves the right to revoke delegated status when the PPG has failed to meet and maintain established standards. Capitation payments may be adjusted when revocation of medical management functions occurs.

Delegated Review Processes - Concurrent, Prospective and Retrospective

Participating physician group (PPG) utilization review (UR) staff should perform concurrent reviews daily. PPGs may be required to communicate their concurrent review findings to Health Net medical management staff daily, or as requested by the Utilization Management (UM) and Care Management (CM) staff. The objective of PPG concurrent reviews is to assess clinical information during a member's hospital stay, coordinate the discharge plan, assist in determining medical necessity at the correct level of care, and perform the quality improvement screening.

The first review occurs within 24 hours of admission to confirm that the member is in the appropriate setting and is receiving medically necessary care, and to begin discharge planning. The PPG utilization management nurses review the member's continued stay using standardized nationally recognized criteria, such as InterQual® Guidelines. If a concurrent review does not confirm the need for continued stay, alternative care or a less acute level of care must be considered.

PPGs must develop processes to identify and manage variant bed days and provide timely notification of denials to Health Net to facilitate claims adjudication.

Health Net is responsible for a concurrent review of out-of-area admissions for delegated PPGs, except for PPGs with financial responsibility for out-of-area services, according to the PPG's Provider Participation Agreement (PPA). Refer to the Out-of-Area Services discussion for more information. PPGs are responsible for working with Health Net to determine and facilitate the transfer of a member back into the network when appropriate, and the member is stable.

Prospective Review Process

A prospective review is performed to determine the medical necessity of elective referrals to specialty or ancillary care, inpatient admissions and outpatient procedures.

Requests for prior authorization of elective referrals, admissions or procedures are received by the participating physician group (PPG) from the primary care physician (PCP) or specialist. The PPG determines medical necessity through the use of standardized nationally recognized criteria and approves or denies the request. Refer to the Referrals and Prior Authorization topics for additional information.

Performance standards for turn-around times for review of, determination and decision notification for requests for prior authorization vary by line of business and the urgency of the request. Refer to the Utilization Management Timeliness Standards for Commercial, Medi-Cal and Medicare plans on the Industry Collaboration Effort (ICE) website at

The PPG is obligated to provide oversight and documented monitoring of the utilization review process for medical appropriateness whenever this process is performed by a sub-delegated review organization. The PPG may not sub-delegate a function or activity to an entity whose delegation status with Health Net is currently denied or revoked for that function or activity. PPGs must notify Health Net prior to any sub-delegation agreement.

The UM Compliance Auditor periodically educates the PPG on plan tools, provides performance data, and evaluates performance using the provider assessment tools. Failure to meet the standards results in development of an issue in the DOIT and requires the PPG to create and action plan to remediate all findings. The PPG will submit an action plan for approval by the UM compliance auditor, who will review the action plan to ensure it is appropriate to address all findings. Once approved, the PPG must update the UM compliance auditors through DOIT of the status of each action plan.  Once completed, the UM compliance auditor will decide if retesting is required for the issue.

Retrospective Review Process

A retrospective review is conducted on individual cases and with aggregate decision data. An individual case review helps to identify specific matters arising from an episode of care (for example, emergency room claims are reviewed for medical necessity and coverage). Problems identified through the retrospective review process are communicated to the PPG to identify and manage variant bed days and provide timely notification of denials to Health Net to facilitate claims adjudication.

Utilization Management Responsibilities

Dual risk is restricted to participating physician groups (PPGs) with a dual-risk capitation agreement with the plan for professional and hospital services that have successfully met the plan performance standards. These groups have comprehensive administrative systems and have demonstrated an ability to perform utilization and care management activities effectively. At least annually, Health Net performs standardized program reviews of these PPGs to assess performance. Refer to the discussions in the Provider Evaluation for Delegation section for more information about the standardized program reviews, including the use of the Delegation Oversight Interactive Tool (DOIT).

PPG Responsibilities

In a dual-risk relationship, PPGs are responsible for the following:

  • Having an effective, comprehensive utilization management (UM) and care management (CM) program in place that includes a UM committee comprised of actively practicing providers.
  • Performing prospective, concurrent and retrospective reviews of medical care consistent with Health Net's goals and objectives.
  • Cooperating with Health Net on medical management of all out-of-area admissions.
  • Providing valid and reliable encounter data in a timely manner as requested and complies with the UM program.
  • Reporting and analysis, including, but not limited to, the following:
    • Bed days/1,000, admits/1,000, length of stay (semi-annually for commercial and quarterly for Medicare)
      • For Health Net membership
      • For all managed care membership
    • Mental health (not applicable to Medi-Cal)
      • Days/1,000
      • Admits/1,000
      • Length of stay
    • Adoption of UM criteria
    • Monitor quality and timeliness of UM decisions and notifications
    • Approval and denials
    • Communication with members
  • Preparing action plans for any out-of-the-ordinary UM indicators.
  • Identifying children with potential California Children's Services (CCS)-eligible conditions and making referrals to the appropriate CCS county programs (applicable to Medi-Cal only).
  • Having a written UM program description and plan approved by Health Net. The program and plan are evaluated annually for effect on members and providers and are reviewed and approved by the governing body of the PPG with signature and minutes documenting the approval.
  • Having specific written procedures for precertification, concurrent and retrospective reviews, and care management that is supervised by qualified medical professionals and physician consultants from the applicable specialties of medicine and surgery. Physicians used to assist in medical necessity determinations are certified by one of the American boards of medical specialties.
  • Having a UM committee composed of providers that makes determinations regarding approval or denial of health care services to members.
  • The PPG's UM program and policies and procedures specifically outline member and provider notification of medically necessary determinations, including for approvals and denials. The denial process is clearly outlined and includes an appeal process.
  • The PPG denial policy and procedure and member letters include required regulatory statements that clearly indicate the reason for the denial, alternative treatment suggestions and how the member can appeal directly to Health Net.
  • The PPG denial process includes required regulatory statements that inform participating providers (for example, physicians, inpatient facilities, and ancillary providers) that they may appeal directly to Health Net.
  • The PPG uses standardized nationally recognized UM medical review criteria to ensure consistent medical necessity determinations and interrater reliability (IRR) for all individuals involved in the UM process.
  • The PPG and PPG-hospital affiliates report encounter data monthly. Care management cases (shared risk only) are reported to the Medical Management staff at the point of identification. Dual-risk PPGs delegated to perform complex case management according to NCQA standards are assessed annually for compliance with those standards. Refer to the Care Management section in the Utilization Management section for additional information on criteria for referral to the care management program.
  • The PPG assists in identification of coordination of benefits and third-party payer information (not applicable to Medi-Cal).
  • The PPG participates with Health Net in meetings as scheduled.
  • The PPG administers member coverage based on the member's Evidence of Coverage (EOC).
  • Failure of the PPG to meet the under- and over-utilization standards results in development of a corrective action plan that is submitted to Health Net for review and approval.
  • PPG representatives participate with Health Net medical management committees as requested.

Refer to other discussions in the Delegation Oversight topic for additional information, including a calendar of required submissions.

Health Net Responsibilities

In a dual-risk relationship, Health Net is responsible for the following:

  • Contracting with the PPG for delegated UM functions.
  • Assigning a UM Compliance Auditor to conduct pre-contractual evaluations, annual evaluations, and perform oversight and monitoring of the PPG to evaluate the PPG's UM program using the Delegation Oversight Interactive Tool (DOIT), including a review of denial and appeal process, and assisting the PPG in complying with these policies, state and federal regulations and accreditation standards.
  • During the pre-contractual assessment with the PPG, the UM compliance auditor validates the PPG UM program adheres to the plan utilization and care management delegation criteria.
  • Review and approval of the PPG UM program and conducting an annual audit of the PPG using the Delegation Oversight Interactive Tool (DOIT), including a review of denial files. If the PPG is not able to maintain the required standard of medical management, the Delegation Oversight Committee (DOC) may recommend revocation of specific delegated activities.
  • A provider engagement and network specialist (formally provider network administrator) and a regional medical director (RMD) acts as a liaison with the PPG to resolve all contractual, operational and ongoing service problems.
  • Oversight and monitoring when the PPG is delegated to perform complex care management for its dual-risk membership.
  • PPG performance is monitored to determine if members are receiving timely medical services.

Requirements for PPGs Utilization Management Process

Health care service plans (HCSPs) and participating physician groups (PPGs) to which utilization management (UM) functions are delegated are required to employ and designate a senior medical director with an unrestricted California license to be responsible for ensuring that the UM processes are in compliance with the statute.

The name and direct telephone number (or extension) of the health care professional making the decision to delay, deny or modify a request for authorization of payment of service must be included in the notification letter to the requesting provider.

Health care service plans and PPGs to which UM functions are delegated are required to maintain telephone access for providers to request authorization for payment of health care services.

Timeliness Requirements for UM Decision Making

The health care service plan and its PPGs to which utilization review (UR) functions have been delegated are required to comply with standards established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

For current standards, refer to the Industry Collaboration Effort (ICE) website at to locate the Approved ICE Documents for the appropriate UM Timeliness Standards.

Disclosure of UM and UR Processes

Health care service plans (HCSPs) (or delegated participating physician groups (PPGs)) and disability insurers are required to disclose the UM and UR processes and criteria the plan and its delegated PPGs use to authorize, modify, defer, or deny health care services when requested by health care providers, members or the public.

Disclosures must be accompanied with the following text in its entirety:

"The materials provided to you are guidelines used by this plan to authorize, modify, or deny care for persons with similar illnesses or conditions. Specific care and treatment may vary depending on individual need and the benefits covered under your contract."

Health care service plans and PPGs may charge reasonable fees for copying and postage costs and may make the information available electronically.

Last Updated: 01/07/2025