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Elect Open Access Tier 2 (PPO Limited Benefit) Plan

Provider Type

  • Physicians
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Hospitals
  • Ancillary

Under the Elect Open Access Tier 2 (PPO limited benefit) plan, the member can self-refer to obtain consultation services from any provider in the Health Net PPO network without a referral. Services are limited to physician office visits and care that can be performed in the physician's office (for example, laboratory and radiology services). All other covered services, including hospitalization, maternity care, outpatient surgery, and home health care, must be obtained through the member's HMO level of benefits under Elect Open Access Tier 1 (HMO). Members receiving care from PPO providers incur higher out-of-pocket expenses than they would at the Elect Open Access Tier 1 level.

Last Updated: 07/01/2024