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Appeal Process

Provider Type

  • Physicians
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Hospitals
  • Ancillary

All participating providers have five calendar days from receipt of a Health Net request for information to submit to Health Net the case file information requested for a member appeal. Case file information includes medical records, the rationale for denial and an alternative treatment plan. Participating providers must follow Health Net's provider information request process when submitting pertinent case file documentation to Health Net.

Health Net is responsible for reviewing the case file, requesting any additional information needed from the participating provider, and upholding or overturning the denial. In addition, Health Net is responsible for informing members of their right to appeal to the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC). This includes sending members an application form and addressed envelope so members can request an independent medical review (IMR) through the DMHC for member appeals that have been denied for lack of medical necessity or for investigational or experimental treatment. The IMR organization reviews the case, prepares a written decision including its rationale, and submits the decision to the DMHC, the member and Health Net. Health Net accepts the IMR recommendation, then sends the IMR decision and rationale to the participating provider and notifies the member in writing whether the denial was upheld or overturned. If the denial is upheld, the member has the right to request arbitration.

Last Updated: 12/11/2024