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Endoscopies Classification Reimbursement

Provider Type

  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Hospitals
  • Ancillary

Health Net uses the Endoscopy Matrix to classify an outpatient endoscopy as a diagnostic test or therapeutic (surgical) procedure, regardless of place of service. If the Provider Participation Agreement (PPA) does not include CPT codes specific to endoscopies identifying them as diagnostic testing or therapeutic (surgical) procedures, providers should refer to the Endoscopy Matrix (PDF). Once the provider has determined whether the endoscopic procedure is a diagnostic test or therapeutic (surgical) procedure, the claim is processed as follows:

  • Diagnostic test - Health Net determines financial responsibility and reimbursement methodology according to the Division of Financial Responsibility (DOFR) for diagnostic testing in the PPA.
  • Therapeutic (surgical) procedure - Health Net determines financial responsibility and reimbursement methodology according to the DOFR for therapeutic (surgical) procedures in the PPA.

If the PPA includes specific reimbursement language regarding endoscopies that is inconsistent with the information above, Health Net determines financial responsibility according to the language in the PPA. The matrix is not intended to be used to determine a patient's covered benefits or copayment obligations.

Last Updated: 07/01/2024