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Hospital Acquired Conditions

Provider Type

  • Hospitals

Hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) are a set of hospital complications and medical errors that may cause severe consequences. They occur during a hospital stay (are not present at the time of admission) and can reasonably be prevented through the application of appropriate evidence-based protocols. These events may result in more serious outcomes to the member, including loss of function, disability and death. Their occurrence may also prolong hospital stays.

Billing Instructions

Each HAC is to be reported on the claim and must be catalogued according to when it occurred. Like the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Health Net requests hospitals to submit inpatient hospital claims (UB-04/CMS 1450) with Present on Admission (POA) indicators. POA is defined as a condition that is present at the time the order for inpatient admission occured. Conditions that develop during an outpatient encounter, including in the emergency department or during observation or outpatient surgery, are included within the definition of POA conditions.

The POA indicator must be assigned to all ICD-10 diagnoses (primary and secondary diagnosis codes, as well as to external cause of injury codes) on all inpatient claims (UB-04/CMS 1450) for all lines of business. Categories and codes exempt from reporting include late effect codes, normal delivery, Z-codes, and certain external codes (for example, railway, motor vehicle, water transport, air transport, and space transport).

Refer to the current HAC ICD-10 codes available on the CMS website at; select FY 2017 HOSPITAL ACQUIRED CONDITIONS LIST under Downloads. This list includes the HAC descriptions, codes and diagnoses, and is subject to change, as Health Net relies on guidance from CMS on these diagnoses. An HTML version of the ICD-10 HAC list is also available. Look for a link on the same page, titled Appendix I Hospital Acquired Conditions (HACS) List.

The following POA indicators should be submitted in field locator 67 of the UB-04/CMS 1450, and in segment K3 in the 2300 loop, data element K301 for the 837I electronic claim submission.




Present at the time of inpatient admission


Not present at the time of inpatient admission


Documentation is insufficient to determine if condition is present on admission


Provider is unable to clinically determine whether condition was present on admission or not


Exempt from POA reporting (equivalent of a blank code on UB-04/CMS 1450 form). This code should rarely be used and every effort to determine the appropriate indicator must be made

The POA only applies to inpatient prospective payment systems (IPPS) hospitals. The following hospitals are exempt from the POA indicator:

  • Critical access hospitals (CAHs)
  • Long-term care hospitals (LTCHs)
  • Maryland waiver hospitals
  • Cancer hospitals
  • Children's inpatient facilities
  • Religious non-medical health care institutions
  • Inpatient psychiatric hospitals
  • Inpatient rehabilitation facilities
  • Veterans Administration (VA)/Department of Defense (DOD) hospitals


Quality Improvement HAC Program

Health Net's Quality Improvement (QI) HAC program is designed to encourage hospitals to improve patient safety by reducing or eliminating the occurrence of serious and costly errors in the provision of health care services. The QI HAC program supports improving hospital reporting and member awareness about hospital quality issues. The program also serves to more closely align Health Net practices with those of CMS and The Leapfrog Group, which represents purchasers and employer groups.

HAC Confirmation

Health Net's QI Department monitors claims submitted by the hospital after discharge for evidence of reported Not Present on Admission indicators of HACs. In accordance with the QI HAC Program, if a Health Net member experiences a HAC noted on the CMS website, Health Net requests that the admitting hospital take the following action:

  • Determine if the event was potentially preventable and within the control of the hospital and the medical staff who provided care during the member's stay.
  • Agree to refrain from billing or adjust billing to Health Net or the member for any charges associated with the HAC if it is determined that the HAC was preventable.
  • Perform a root cause analysis and take measures to prevent recurrences as necessary.

HAC Notification

Health Net's QI Department notifies the hospital's QI Department director or whoever is responsible to confirm that the above actions were taken according to the instructions in the notification. The notification also allows the hospital to explain extenuating circumstances that preclude these actions from being taken. The hospital has 30 days to complete and fax-back the confirmation to Health Net's QI Department. Health Net may also address potential HACs through the plan's established potential quality of care issues (PQI) process.

Last Updated: 07/01/2024