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Compliance for Transplant Performance Centers Standardized Process

Provider Type

  • Physicians
  • Hospitals
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)

Designated Transplant Network Participation

Health Net will designate certain transplant programs as “center of excellence” programs (“Tier 1”). In order to be designated a center of excellence, a program must meet minimum volume, outcome and quality criteria, which Health Net may modify from year to year at its discretion. Information regarding the transplant program(s) will be required from the provider on an annual basis to confirm tier status. Health Net may include transplant programs without the center of excellence designation in a network where additional consideration may be warranted (“Tier 2”), including but not limited to a covered person’s access/choice or if the provider can document exceptional circumstances that would mitigate an individual metric. Health Net will consider these factors, in combination with the transplant program criteria and other factors, to reach a determination on a program’s eligibility to provide transplant services without center of excellence designation. Transplant programs may, at Health Net’s sole discretion, move from one tier to the other on an annual basis, depending upon the data and performance of the transplant program from year to year.

Annual Transplant Program Review

The provider shall comply with Health Net’s annual transplant program review process and shall provide to Health Net, or its designee, such transplant program information and data on an annual basis as necessary, for Health Net to complete its annual review of the provider’s transplant program(s). The provider acknowledges that the provider’s failure to provide information in connection with such annual review process within 30 days of the request may result in suspension of the provider’s transplant programs from participation in the network. Health Net shall provide the provider with 30 days prior written notice in the event of the suspension of any transplant program.

Data Submission

The provider will submit transplant program performance data relating to all transplant services provided by the provider (whether to covered persons or other individuals), including but not limited to volume and outcomes, to the appropriate national reporting agency on each transplant program in accordance with the required reporting schedule. Health Net shall access and utilize the reported data. In the event Health Net determines that it requires additional information, such information will be requested from the provider. The provider shall respond to such request within 30 days.

Transplant Program Change Notification

The provider shall notify Health Net of any changes in the provider’s transplant program(s) and/or medical team. Health Net shall be notified immediately of any changes that could impact the quality of the provider’s transplant program, including but not limited to the loss of transplant program surgeons, loss or suspension of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) certification, shutdown of transplant program.

Performance Requirements

In the event Health Net determines that the provider did not maintain compliance with applicable network criteria, quality standards or other performance requirements, Health Net may require corrective action.

Required Accreditation

Hospital accreditation: The Joint Commission (TJC), NIAHO or local alternative.

Solid organ: CMS certification and member in good standing with United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS).

Blood and Marrow: Accreditation by Foundation of Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT) and certification by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP).

Two Levels of Participation –

  • National Network – Program must meet or exceed minimum volumes and survival/outcomes criteria below and have all accreditations noted above.
  • Regional Network – Program must have all accreditations noted above and be an active program for at least two years.

Volume Criteria

The minimum volume criteria required by adult-specific Transplant Performance Center programs is maintained. A combined volume is calculated for transplant performance centers that contract for both adult and pediatric populations.

Minimum Transplant Volume required per calendar year:

Transplant Type















Pancreas or SPK

No minimum if kidney meets


Intestinal/Small Bowel



Blood and Marrow

40 total, with at least 20 being allogeneic


Survival/Outcomes Criteria:

Solid Organ – Outcomes are reviewed for one-year graft survival, three-year patient survival, mortality rate while on the waitlist and offer acceptance ratio. They are measured as follows:

  • Graft Survival – One-year Graft Survival Hazard Ratio Z-Score of the 95% Lower Credibility Limit to adjust for observed vs. expected survival rates as compared to transplant programs throughout the country.
  • Patient Survival – Three-year Patient Survival Hazard Ratio Z-Score of the 95% Lower Credibility Limit to adjust for observed vs. expected survival rates as compared to transplant programs throughout the country.
  • Waitlist Mortality – Waitlist time to mortality Hazard Ratio Z-Score of the 95% Lower Credibility Limit to compare experiences of transplant programs throughout the country.
  • Offer Acceptance Ratio-Number of expected offers to number of accepted offers is equal to or exceeds 1.0.

Total final score must meet or exceed 2.0 to be considered for participation.

If a total score was given that includes each of the measurements above, then the programs that are in the top 55% of all programs of the same transplant type were deemed to have met the quality criteria and hence, eligible to be included in the national network.

Blood and Marrow

Autologous: 100-day survival must be at least 90%.

Allogeneic: 100-day survival must be at least 60% and the actual one-year survival must be “similar to” or “above” the expected rate as reported on (for NMDP).

All programs must meet for both autologous and allogeneic to be included in the national network.

Last Updated: 12/19/2024