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Provider Type

  • Physicians
  • Hospitals
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Ancillary

The following are general exclusions that are not covered under the behavioral health program:

  • Non-treatable disorders: Mental disorders or substance abuse conditions that Health Net determines are not likely to improve with generally accepted methods of treatment or conditions excluded from coverage.
  • State hospital treatment: Treatment or confinement in a state hospital are limited to treatment or confinement as the result of an emergency or urgent care.
  • Non-standard therapies: Services that do not meet national standards for professional mental health practice, such as Erhard/The Forum, primal therapy, bioenergetics therapy, crystal healing therapy and therapies deemed experimental or investigational by medical policies.
  • Psychological testing: Psychological testing for learning disabilities, academic difficulties, and educational achievement testing are not covered. Testing for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as a single diagnosis, or not part of diagnostic clarification is also not a covered benefit. Psychological testing must be conducted by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist, and must be medically necessary to diagnose or treat a mental health disorder.
  • Prescription medications: Outpatient prescription medications or over-the-counter medications.
  • Private-duty nursing: Private-duty nursing services in the home or in a hospital
  • Insurance: Services for obtaining or maintaining insurance.
  • Aversion therapy: Therapy intended to change behavior by inducing a dislike for the behavior through association with a noxious stimulus.
  • Treatment for co-dependency: Treatment for co-dependency services, unless they are provided for a treatable mental disorder.
  • Wilderness programs or therapeutic boarding schools not licensed as residential treatment centers.
  • Non-participating providers: Services provided by mental health professionals or facilities not contracting with Health Net, except in those cases where Health Net refers a member to a non-participating provider or authorizes emergency or urgently needed care.
  • Treatment by a relative: Treatment or consultation provided by the member's parents, siblings, children, current or former spouse, or any adults who live in the member's household.
  • Education and employment services: Services related to educational, vocational and professional purposes, including:
    • Treatment of learning disabilities, borderline intellectual functioning and mental retardation.
    • Vocational rehabilitative education.
    • Investigations required for employment.
    • Education for maintaining employment or for professional certification.
    • Education for personal or professional growth, development or training, including vocational counseling.
    • Academic education during residential treatment.
  • Testing, screening or treatment for learning disabilities.
  • Specialized treatment program for smoking cessation, weight reduction, obesity, stammering, stuttering, or sexual addiction.

The following types of treatment, except when provided in connection with covered treatment for a behavioral disorder or substance abuse condition:

  • Treatment ordered by a court or treatment related to judicial/legal proceedings, including child custody, driving under the influence (DUI), driving while intoxicated (DWI), divorce, or child/elder/spousal abuse or neglect.
  • Treatment of chronic pain.
  • Treatment for co-dependency.
  • Treatment for psychological stress.
  • Relational problems, such as marital dysfunction, parent/child dysfunction, sibling dysfunction, spousal abuse, and work-related conflicts.
  • Problems of daily living, such as stress, work, unemployment, uncomplicated bereavement, homelessness, poverty, phase of life, acculturation/discrimination, victim of crime/terrorism, incarceration, religious/spirituality problems, unwanted or conflicted pregnancy, lifestyle conflicts, and malingering.

For additional list of exclusions, providers must refer to the member Evidence of Coverage (EOC).

Last Updated: 12/19/2024