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Substance Abuse Facilities

Provider Type

  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Ancillary
  • Hospitals

Inpatient substance abuse facilities must be certified and provide medical and other services to inpatient residents. On admission to an inpatient substance abuse facility, the member is entitled to coverage for the following services:

  • Detoxification, if necessary (days used for detoxification are not deducted from the calendar year maximum for rehabilitation).
  • Laboratory tests.
  • Medications, biologicals and solutions dispensed by the facility and used while the patient is in the facility.
  • Supplies and use of equipment required for detoxification or rehabilitation.
  • Professional and other trained staff and ancillary services provided in the facility that are necessary for patient care and treatment.
  • Individual and group therapy or counseling.
  • Psychological testing by an individual who is legally qualified to administer and interpret such tests (subject to prior review for medical necessity).
  • Family counseling.

Substance Abuse Facilities - Outpatient

Health Net uses intensive outpatient (IOP) treatment prior to using partial hospital programs (PHP) for substance abuse. IOP can be from 24 to 32 sessions over six to eight weeks.

Health Net defines half-day PHP (HD-PHP) as facilities providing ambulatory care, and having the requisite credentialing to provide up to 20 hours per week, but no more than four hours a day, of skilled treatment interventions. During the course of treatment, the member returns home or to a sober living environment (after each session) in order to facilitate a smooth transition to lower levels of care. These consist of diversified treatment modalities to address the problems of substance abuse. Health Net requires that each staff person, from chemical dependency (CD) counselor to addictionologist, be certified or licensed in their particular level of expertise.

Treatment strategies are diversified, and individually fitted to the needs of the member. HD-PHP may be utilized for substance abuse treatment alone, or as a dual substance abuse/behavioral health program. The duration of the program is not pre-established but individually determined, according to the needs and current status of the member. The HD-PHP may be part of a full-day program where treatment has been adjusted to the member's needs and the structure of the full day is no longer required. The program can be part of a medical setting, or a freestanding facility. If the latter, it must have access to a medical center within a reasonable period of time, to treat any emergencies that may arise.

Outpatient substance abuse facilities must be certified (Medicare-certified for Medicare Advantage plans) and provide medical and other services on a daily basis during designated hours and on certain specified days, usually Monday through Friday, and occasionally half-days on Saturday. Health Net must also approve the facility in order for services to be covered.

Members receiving treatment in a Health Net-approved outpatient facility are entitled to coverage for the following services:

  • Professional and other trained staff and ancillary services provided in the facility that are necessary for treatment of the ambulatory patient.
  • Individual and group therapy or counseling.
  • Family counseling, with each visit by one or more family members of the Health Net member being deducted from the member's outpatient behavioral health consultation benefit for the calendar year.
  • Laboratory tests required in connection with the treatment received at the facility.
  • Medications, biologicals, solutions, and supplies dispensed by the facility in connection with treatment received at the facility, including medications to be taken home.
  • Psychological testing by a person legally qualified to administer and interpret such tests. Where there are no licensure laws, the psychologist must be certified for psychological testing by the appropriate professional body (subject to prior review for medical necessity).
Last Updated: 12/19/2024