Exclusions and Limitations

Provider Type

  • Physicians
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG) 
    (does not apply to HSP)
  • Ancillary

Durable medical equipment (DME) is a covered benefit on all health plans. Refer to the Schedule of Benefits and coverage documents to determine exclusions and limitations, as applicable. Additional non-covered items are:

  • Disposable supplies for home use
  • Exercise or hygienic equipment, including shower chairs and bath tub lifts
  • Corrective appliances (except casts, splints, and surgical dressings)
  • Support appliances and such supplies as stockings, arch supports, foot orthotics (except when it is a foot orthotic that has been incorporated into a cast, brace or strapping of the foot or sleeves and gloves for lymphedema), and corrective shoes and devices unless member has a rider for custom footwear or is a diabetic
  • Comfort items for example, diapers, incontinent pads, pillows, beds
  • Contact or corrective lenses (except an implanted lens that replaces the organic eye lens) and eyeglasses (unless specifically provided elsewhere in the subscriber's Evidence of Coverage (EOC)
  • Jacuzzi or whirlpool
  • Fully electric beds
  • More than one device for the same part of the body or more than one piece of equipment that serves the same function
  • Running or sport devices, and other devices considered lightweight, when not medically necessary
  • Consultations of an environmental engineer, air conditioners, humidifiers not used as part of DME equipment, dehumidifiers, purifiers, pillows, Jacuzzis, saunas, exercise equipment and bicycles, and elevators
  • Replacement of lost devices