Coverage Explanation

Provider Type

  • Physicians
  • Participating Physician Groups (PPG)
  • Hospitals
  • Ancillary

Members may see any qualified participating Health Net provider within their participating physician group (PPG), including their primary care physician (PCP), obstetrician or gynecologist (OB/GYN), or certified nurse midwife (CNM) and certified nurse practitioner (CNP) for prenatal care. PPGs or PCPs and specialists are prohibited from requiring a referral or prior authorization for basic prenatal care. If there are no CNMs or CNPs in the PPG network, access to non-contracting CNMs or CNPs is a benefit.

All pregnant members must have access to Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP) services, which integrate health education, nutrition and psychosocial services with obstetrical care. CPSP support services providers are required to use the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)-approved assessment tools. Health Net has developed assessment tools approved by DHCS that are included in this manual. The multidisciplinary approach to delivering perinatal care in the CPSP framework is based on the recognition that providing these services from conception through 60 days following delivery improves pregnancy outcomes.

The provision of CPSP services to pregnant members is the responsibility of all California Department of Public Health (CDPH)-certified CPSP providers who contract with Health Net, a subcontracting health plan or PPG.

Health Net-participating PPGs must maintain and reimburse a network of obstetric and community providers who are CPSP-certified in order to promote access to CPSP and improve birth outcomes for their patients. PPGs may not redirect CPSP services away from participating CPSP-certified providers who are in good standing with the state and local county CPSP program. CPSP-certified providers must be allowed to provide services to Health Net Medi-Cal members. Health Net and CDPH attempt to have all obstetricians providing care to Medi-Cal members become CPSP-certified to allow CPSP services to be provided during routine obstetric prenatal and postpartum visits.